Title: The Defector: The Agency BeginsSeries: Miami Private Security Series #1Release Date: 5/19/2022Pages: 225An American spy on a simple mission to intercept a Russian courier. What could go wrong? John Smith is a veteran agent. He has skills and won’t apologize for...
Title: The NegotiatorSeries: Miami Private Security Series #2Release Date: 10/6/2022Pages: 299Can a crisis be the crucible for love? Arthur “L” Leck is a Bitcoin billionaire. And when his beloved niece is kidnapped he will pay anything for her safe return. But he’s no...
Title: The CriminalSeries: Miami Private Security Series #3Release Date: 6/1/2023Pages: 300She’s the biggest fence of stolen jewels in Miami. He’s the former SEAL determined to get her on the right side of the law. Lee Vance made a name for herself as the go-to fence...