Title: Savannah RunSeries: The Protecting Love Series #1Release Date: 10/19/2020Pages: 252 Leia Stone was looking for justice, she found trouble. Her new accounting job has become a nightmare, her boss's biggest clients are New York's most brutal criminals. Her...
Title: Chicago by ChanceSeries: The Protecting Love Series #2Release Date: 10/19/2020Pages: 250 A sexy air marshal not looking for love. A wealthy businesswoman whose deal lands her in danger. Neither expected a one-night stand to lead to a long-distance romance.When...
Title: Palm Beach BodyguardSeries: The Protecting Love Series #3 He’s the security expert her overprotective father hired. She’s the headstrong former prosecutor tempting him to break all his rules. Together they have chemistry hotter than the Florida sun. It was the...
Title: Las Vegas RiskSeries: The Protecting Love Series #4Release Date: 8/20/2021Pages: 300 An internet famous billionaire playboy teams up with a security expert who hates the spotlight to take down his obsessed stalker before anyone gets hurt. Harrison Woodhouse has...
Title: Miami ReignitedSeries: The Protecting Love Series #5Release Date: 11/11/2021Pages: 250 How fast can an old flame rekindle in the face of danger? Lilly Rhodes never imagined her passion for art restoration could ruin her life. But somehow, it has. Now she's...